
阅读 2023-04-12 484 次浏览 次点赞




"永远不会!!"老师感叹道。"你们在正常的日常生活中永远不会使用微积分。事实上,你们中很少有人会在你们的职业生涯中使用它。" 然后他停顿了一下。"那么你们想知道为什么应该关心吗?"












I took calculus my senior year of high school, and I really liked the way our teacher framed this on the first day of class. 

He asked somebody to raise their hand and ask him when we would use calculus in our everyday life. So one student rose their hand and asked, “When are we going to use this in our everyday life?” 

“NEVER!!” the teacher exclaimed. “You will never use calculus in your normal, everyday life. In fact, very few of you will use it in your professional careers either.” Then he paused. “So would you like to know why should care?” 

Several us nodded. 

He picked out one of the varsity football players in the class. “You practice football a lot during the week, right Tim?” asked the teacher. 

“Yeah,” replied Tim. “Almost every day.” 

“Do you and your teammates ever lift weights during practice?” 

“Yeah. Tuesdays and Thursdays we spend a lot of practice in the weight room.” 

“But why?” asked the teacher. “Is there ever going to be a play your coach tells you use during a game that requires you to bench press the other team?” 

“No, of course not.” 

“Then why lift weights?” 

“Because it makes us stronger,” said Tim. 

“Bingo!!” said the teacher. “It’s the same thing with calculus. You’re not here because you’re going to use calculus in your everyday life. You’re here because calculus is weightlifting for your brain.” 

And I’ve never forgotten that. 

VIA https://www.tumblr.com/fl……

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